It's a long time since I've played about with Corel Photopaint. Look what I drawed this morning! Made me think that if we had some brightly coloured flower shaped masks (in the Corel sense of the word - not a thing that goes over your eyes) the children could plonk these on top of their photos and it would give them the idea of what they would look like as a flower. I think I look like a highly suspicious tournesol. I wouldn't tourn my back on me for second.
Sally - brilliant. Had a thought( dangerous I know.) How about if you have one of those seasidey things/bodies/upper torso, that you poke your face through, yours could have ready painted flower face frames in different colours. These could then be digitally photographed with all the different childrens faces and played with in Corel.Then cut out and collage onto your wonderful Painting. Can I come and play too.......please?
Maggie H
Wish you could come play Maggie - and I wish I could come play with your school kids too! Love the seaside photo frame idea.
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