I have a workshop coming up soon which is a one hour make and take for primary teachers. They have asked for fabric collage. The little house on the prairie is what I used to offer but frankly Scarlet, I'm getting bored with it. It was before I had done much work with children myself and I now realise that precision is probably not their strong suit. I decided to free it up a bit.
Years ago I went to a workshop with Richard Box . Being a virtuous and well organised girl I was able to go straight to my techniques folder this morning and unearth my sample from that workshop. Don't you just hate me? Anyway,

I found a great supplier for these bags which end up costing less than 50p including VAT. With amazing trust ,this company will invoice you giving you 30 days to pay. Hope the don't go bust.
A good sponging with blue paint, a few old bits of foliage rubbed over with crayon, string and foam printing blocks create the background. Highlights, lowlights and glittery bits attached with Bondaweb make the flowers. I remember Richard telling us that glittery bits should be used to represent dark areas because when they are not reflecting light, they are dark. Hmmm, a bit deep for me, that one.
Leapt out of bed and launched into this whilst still in jammies and workroom is now completely trashed......but I'll tell the teachers it's a mess free technique. Seemed to get away with it last time! :)

Great Sally. Do these ideas come to you in your sleep?
I'm sure RB would be pleased with you. I wonder if he reads blogs?
Thanks Margaret. I worry about these workshops until I’ve decided what I’m doing and then I can forget about it. This one if four hourly sessions per day for two days. Luckily I just bought a pack of 100 bags because they are so useful. People are always thrilled to have actually made something rather than just coming away with samples.
Great bags Sally...can I come to the workshop please?
Please take photos of their interpretations, too.
(word verification today is mosuar - sounds like somewhere to go on holiday! Makes a change from all those kfjsxz things)
Wish you could come in your professional capacity and give me crit Gill. I'm flying blind with all these workshops.
Oh so disappointing ! I was expecting to see a piccy of Grumpy in jammies and dark glasses .......... but only bags!
super ones though - great to use previous workshop bits! Think I had one of those somewhere.....
I'd like to come to the workshop too please ;-)
Sally those bags are great. CAn I come along with Gill please?
Too bad Sara - instead of one old bag you got lots of old bags!
So flattered you would like to come to my workshop girlie. Need to be more of a play day if you were coming. You're far too talented to have me bossing you about
Arggh Helen! Not referring to you as girlie - should have been girlie(s) plural. Sounds insolent in the singular
love this bag sally :)so late in viewing that I only get to add a "me too" to your class :))
I love these bags, Sally.
Tried to post a comment a couple of days ago but Blogger wouldn't let me....
GOOD JOB! that is a real cool looking bag.....was it blue originally or is that paint too?
The blue is paint Judy. Just sponge on some watery anything - I like to use acryclic and a dish washing sponge. The only time I like to use a dish washing sponge I may add!
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