Went to a FABULOUS workshop today in the Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre. Can see now that I've been making it way harder for myself than it needs to me. The construction of my rod puppet here was nothing short of miraculous. They showed us a brilliant way to make a marionette using a rectangle of silk. That's it! Just a rectangle of silk. Well, okay, and a polystyrene head but the silk works so beautifully. Will make one and post soon. Glove puppets can be equally effortless. The beauty of these simplistic construction techniques is that they give the children the time and freedom to enjoy the fun bits - decorating and giving their puppet character. The guy who runs these workshops has been doing it for 30 years and I've been doing it for....6 weeks? So I guess I should give myself a break. But I can see now that a lot of my problems are of my own making. So it's curtain up and on with the show.
Sally I can hear the enthusiasm! Seems you've picked up lots of tips and ideas. Helen
Wow Sally! What a good investment of time today was 4 you - look forward to seeing more soon!
Fab puppet Sally from what was obviously a great workshop :)
Thanks for letting me into your blog site Sally. That is fantastic work and good luck with the puppeteering(?)!
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