Just completed first every crocheted garment from pattern. Very pleased with myself as you will see. Actually, the clenched teeth are for issuing instructions through like - is the macro setting off....not that button.....closer....no, further away. Dearly Beloved not at natural David Bailey, even if they do share the same initials.

Lovely jacket and whatever you think of the photographer he's taken a great photo.
That is beautiful.....I love to crochet and knit, but I'm only doing the basics, like scarfs, dish cloths and afchan (sp?) and I have a good slipper pattern that I crochet.....I have some good books, but they always loose me...LOL
love the top Sal, where is the pattern from please?
Oooh clever you, I an just about crochet a chain, so I am very impressed and very jealous
Glad you like the cardi pals. It's from Debbie Stroller's Happy Hooker. Pattern my http://www.lavonne3-1.tripod.com
Okay, that link doesn't work. Try Googling Knot Just Knits
This is just fab, Sally - and it fits!
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