In the meantime, I sorted them out at the school where the children's puppets are due to be displayed next Tuesday.
This work can't be displayed said head teacher. These children can't be disappointed I replied and so we parried, back and forth until we came to a grudging compromise and they agreed to let me tie things to the wallbars.
On a happier note, the teach at little school of horrors (whose puppets they are) was totally on the ball and in the process of displaying loads of work in process photos I didn't even know she had taken.
Off to flower school next where I wasn't scheduled to have face to face time with the children today. Instead I worked quietly in a corner cutting out the flowers the children had stitched. It's looking good!
When time came for the teachers continuing personal development session one woman declared herself too tired and not willing to take part. She complained long and loud and rallied the support of two other who also backed out. Eight did participate and enjoyed themselves whereupon one of the renegades declared she wished she had done it after all. Yeah......well....
Here are their bags. They declared the bondaweb technique to be flat (duhhhh) and seemed to take better to the 3D stitching. Enough for one day I think.

Sally love the jacobs ladder idea, will be fascinated to see what you decide to do. Well done with the negotiations with the teachers, and I think the bags are lovely. I would buy one if you are selling them in your shop.
Maggie H
Well done Sally on all counts. I agree with Maggie about the bags, they are lovely.
Your collaboration has left me inspired beyond words ! thanks for that.
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