Friday, October 31, 2008

African inspiration

I have a splendid book with which to inspire the would-be jewellery makers in my next school. I particularly love the thing that looks like an irate hedgehog. Seemingly every time two people came to an agreement they drove a nail into this figure to seal the deal. Must have been some peaceful place man with all that harmony going down!

Quick on the Draw McGraw

Big Draw was indeed a big draw at a primary school on a local island this week. 41 kids and parents squashed into a small room and did their thing with sticks and feathers, bits of card and candles. At the end of a happy evenings drawing we played Quick on the Draw. You draw something, I guess what it is. I kicked it off by stepping up to the blackboard, chalk in hand and saying 'I'm going to draw something very important to the people on the island'. Before I had time to squeak my first mark the answer came en masse. The Ferry!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Show and tell

Couldn't you just eat them with a spoon? I could. They were the most delightful, well behaved, interested children I've worked with in a long time. They boys willing to model the jewellery we soooo sweet! This is going to be a fun project.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Begining again

Wow, is it really three months since we last spoke! I'm kicking off the winter season with three nice schools and projects and I will do my best to bring you progress reports. They are
1. Big Draw
2. African Jewellery
3. Higher art student extravaganzas.

Watch this space!